Digital Hoarding…
One of the more tedious tasks of the prolific photographer--especially a studio photographer like me, who can take 100s of wine bottle photographs in one session--is the inevitable need to…
One of the more tedious tasks of the prolific photographer--especially a studio photographer like me, who can take 100s of wine bottle photographs in one session--is the inevitable need to…
One thing I have learned is never to leave my camera at home. When I do, I usually come across a once-and-a-lifetime shot that will haunt me for days on…
I just finished up a wonderful project for Eric Kent Cellars, shooting all of their older and newer vintages. Each new vintage of their myriad wines features new artist labels…
I got a new client that makes a small amount of wine with his wife. He actually works for one of my other clients and makes this wine on the…
One of my regular clients, Cliff Lede, asked me to photograph some wine bottle gift packs they were offering for the holidays. The instructions were to do standard shots on…
We had a glorious, if not cold, trip to Yosemite. We ended it, as pretty much everyone does, by taking one last look at Tunnel View. I cannot convey with…